
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 6:23

Simon Bening, Labors of the Months and harvest - September, from a Flemish Book of hours (Bruges, Peasants in the 16th century from Wikimedia Commons)
Simon Bening, Labors of the Months and harvest – September, from a Flemish Book of hours (Bruges, Peasants in the 16th century from Wikimedia Commons)

Then we sow crops, we expect a harvest that is many times more than we planted. As a farmer looks forward to a bountiful harvest, so every worker looks forward to wages which are compensation for work done. Every work done must be compensated one way or the other, immediately or later. Even those who do ‘bad’ work must be compensated commensurately.

We have laws and courts and those who work at breaking the laws are adequately paid the wages of their labor. God is the author of the moral law that requires compensation for good and bad work. He pays us wages for the sins we commit. The fearful thing is that the payment is the same for the one who commits one sin and the one who commits a million sins – it is death for everyone.

Sin is breaking God’s moral laws.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse as there is an inbuilt device in our hearts called conscience that alerts us whenever we break God’s laws. Our Pay Day is not one to look forward to since all of us “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Rom. 3:23. The good news, however, is that God offers us pardon for our sins. When we accept Christ as our savior, our sins are forgiven and the wages are not paid to us; instead, we receive the gift of eternal life which we did not work for.

Salvation is a gift we could never earn by ourselves.


Rev. Sunday BwanhotAuthor:
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is EMS/SIM Missionary. He serves as Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions; Pastors of ECWA Chicago and ECWA USA DCC Chairman.



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