
Reaching, Touching and Changing Lives through Evangelism and Church Planting. Matt. 28:19-20

Police force a black youth to the ground. He was among about 80 student demonstrators who marched on the U.S. consulate on University Ave. to back civil rights workers in Alabama on March 16, 1966. (Gerry Barker/Toronto Star/Getty Images)
Police force a black youth to the ground. He was among about 80 student demonstrators who marched on the U.S. consulate on University Ave. to back civil rights workers in Alabama on March 16, 1966. (Gerry Barker/Getty Images)

The Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in the USA is saddened by the murder of Mr. George Floyd by a policeman who swore to serve and protect lives. We weep as a nation because of our disregard for life not just in Floyd’s case but in so many others. Human life is important to God who created all men equal and He frowns at murder and hatred. Therefore, we identify with all those peacefully protesting the despicable action of Derek Chauvin and the three other men with him. We condemn their action and similar actions in the past and call for an end to racial prejudice in the country.

As a community of faith, ECWA believes the root problem of racism, injustice and all vices is SIN. Sin is rebellion against God and disregard for His laws. This also explains the unfortunate looting and arson which some evil motivated people hijacked the peaceful protests to perpetrate. We condemn such lawlessness as well.
We are praying for God’s comfort for Floyd’s family and all people whose businesses and personal property were destroyed. We are also praying for all of us who are hurting because of this evil that has shamed us as a nation.

Mourning the Dealth of George Floyd (image by Dnyuz)
Mourning the Dealth of George Floyd (image by Dnyuz)

We are using this forum to plead with all our leaders in the three arms of Government to muster courage and urgently work together in collaboration with our Faith-community to uproot racial inequality and marginalization of minority communities permanently.

On our part, as a church, we will continue to pray and preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which alone can transform, unite, and help us love one another. We will continue to celebrate our individual uniqueness rather than let that divide us. Together we are better and stronger.

God bless America
God bless His Church
God bless ECWA USA

Rev. Sunday BwanhotAuthor:
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is EMS/SIM Missionary. He serves as Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions; Pastors of ECWA Chicago and ECWA USA DCC Chairman.



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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