Takeaway (takeout)
Psalm 135:5
For I know that the Lord is great,
and that our Lord is above all gods.
Today’s Prayer
Pray for Steadfast Leaders that will heed the word of God and be a good example of God’s word to everyone. This includes leaders from our local churches all the way to National leaders around the world. Pray that these leaders would seek after wisdom and justice, mercy and truth, freedom and liberty, grace and desire to know and worship Him (God) more and more.
EMS of ECWA Prayer
Pray for the management of EMS of ECWA, for more wisdom, grace and good health from the Lord as they take important decisions and lead the organization to fulfill the divine mandate of the Great Commission of propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all.
Bible Passage
[embed_bible_passage reading_plan=’daily-light-on-the-daily-path-morning’]
Author: eCommunicator
ECWA Editorial Board: Our editorial board or advisory board consists of a group of well published, prominent professors, with academic credentials and a detailed knowledge of their subject area.