We celebrate Christmas because of what it signifies. Apostle Paul says, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst” (1Tim. 1:15). We all must come to the place that Paul got to and claim the first position of being the worst of sinners. No one sinner is better than the other, for all of us have fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). It takes the same sacrifice to save the person who committed only one sin and those who committed thousands. God demonstrated His willingness to accept us with our many sins by allowing people of questionable character to be part of the genealogy of His Son, Jesus Christ. Abraham and Isaac both lied about their wives (Gen. 12:19, 26:9). Jacob was a schemer and deceiver (Gen. 27:36). Judah committed incest with his daughter-in-law (Gen. 38). Rahab was a Canaanite and a harlot (Jos. 2:1); Ruth was a Moabitess (Ruth 4); David and Bathsheba were adulterers (2Sam. 11:1-5) and many more. We are in good company. We must welcome Jesus Christ into our lives, or Christmas will not benefit us.