"As I looked at this word suddenly the letters began to rearrange and the word went from 'TRUMP" to "TRIUMPH.'" (Lucas Jackson/Reuters, phot/Eric Thayer for The New York Times)

Firstly, I want to preface this word by saying that I do not have a political agenda for the United States of America. I am simply one person in Australia who has a huge heart of love for this beautiful nation and to see the destiny of the United States established and the kingdom of God extended, releasing a huge wave of revelation of His goodness and love.

I also want to say that I do not base what I am about to share on any "policies" that I have heard, but simply what I believe the Lord revealed to me in a dream concerning the candidates. The intention of this word is not in any way to "sway" anyone in their political views, but simply to release a revelation from the Lord that I believe needs to be covered in prayer. 

I had a dream recently where I was in a political arena and I saw Donald Trump and he was passionately putting forward his policies. In this dream I could not "hear" what he was saying, I just remember seeing him speaking with great passion.

Suddenly, I was lifted above the United States of America and I saw the nation as if I was looking at a map. Written across the United States of America was the word "TRUMP" in big letters.

As I looked at this word suddenly the letters began to rearrange and the word went from "TRUMP" to "TRIUMPH." 

I then heard the Lord speak loudly in my dream "TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO TRIUMPH!!!" 

As I was waking up out of the dream I heard the words "TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO VICTORY!"

As I came to the end of typing this dream I heard the words "Angels of triumph have been assigned to Trump."

I believe the Lord is inviting us to seek His heart and to partner with Him in prayer to see the United States of America brought back into a place of godly victory and triumph in whichever way that manifests. 

I am simply releasing that which was released to me.

Standing with you in prayer my friends in the United States of America.

Editors Note: The opinions of this writer do not necessarily reflect those of ECWA.

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus, to have deeper intimacy with Him and to learn to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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