The pattern of persecution in Nigeria is much more complex than only killing or wounding Christians (EMS of ECWA photo)
Leader: Muhammadu Buhari
Government: Federal republic


Population: 183 million (89 million Christians)
Main Religion: Islam/Christianity


Persecution Level: Extreme
Source of persecution: Islamic extremism
Although Boko Haram is most often associated with persecution of Christians in northern Nigerian, the pattern of persecution is much more complex than only killing or wounding Christians – as well as moderate Muslims – by an Islamic terrorist group. This is especially so in the 12 northern Sharia states where local government and social groups leave hardly any space for Christians to live their own lives. The current situation in Nigeria casts dark clouds ahead with the declaration of a caliphate in northeastern Nigeria. Boko Haram has kidnapped hundreds of girls, boys and women. Also, the attacks have left thousands homeless.
  • That the 200 girls of Chibok and the many others kidnapped by Boko Haram will be returned to their homes
  • That the thousands of Christians who have been displaced in northeastern Nigeria will be reunited with their families and receive relief help and trauma counseling from Open Doors workers
  • That all those affected by the violence and trauma of Boko Haram would rest secure in God
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Read original article on Open Doors, Serving persecuted Christians worldwide.



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