by Professor e Pastor Jairo Goncalves | During ministering, Berenice experienced the "conversion of spirit": she was known by the Christ-Lamb (Mat. 7:23) who took her to the lap of the God-Father (Gal 4:6).
This is a true story about Berenice. The birthday parties of her birth were always crowded and filled with affectionate gifts because she was a wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor, and very dear seamstress in the Community. Because of marital and financial problems, Berenice began to feel depressed, that is why she came to us at the Soul and Spirit Clinic, on the date of your birth. During the treatment at the Clinic, Berenice discovered that:
Although an evangelical believer many years ago (baptized in the Waters and the Holy Spirit), she did not know the lap of God-Abba Daddy (Mark 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6; Mt 18:3-6; 21:16; Sl 8:2) and lived uncertainty about certainty of his Salvation. She had never prayed like this: "My God, my Daddy never prayed like this: "My God, my Daddy that you are here inside of me".
Only knew the Jesus of Bethlehem, Nazareth, and the Golgotha. He did not know that this historical Jesus was already born, grew up and died LAMB, slain before the creation of the Earth and the sin of Adam and Eve (1Pe 1:20, Rev 13:8) to, at first instance, atone and correct the " unintentional weakness" of the Creator-God (1Cor.1:25; 2Cor. 13:4) and thus provide the antivenom for the Serpent's bite, that is the Blood of Christ-Lamb (1Pe 1:18-20; Ap 12:11;13:8).
She was only religious as the Samaritan woman: she loved what she did not know (John 4: 21-24), because she was only "converted from soul-psyche" (Mt 11:28; Ps. 103); did not know the "spirit-pneuma conversion" (Mt 11:29; Gl 2:20; 6:14; Phil 1:29; 1Th 5:23).
She knew only the Pentecostal Revival (like the revived believers of the Church at Corinth-Co 3:1-6); He had not yet experienced the Calvarial Revival (Gal. 6:14,15; 1Co 12:31; Fl 1:29);
She sang and worshiped only in the emotional joy of the "Sabbath of Hallelujah," without knowing the spiritual rejoicing of the "Friday of the Passion" (Mt 20:22; Mc 8:34,35; 2Tm 3:12; Jo 16:33; ACTS 5:41; 16:25).
During ministering, Berenice experienced the "conversion of spirit": she was known by the Christ-Lamb (Mat. 7:23) who took her to the lap of the God-Father (Gal 4:6). She declared, "It was today that I really experienced the" new spiritual birth" (John 3:5,6). Then we talked about how she would celebrate this total Grace (2Co 8:9), at the next birthday party. A year later, she made a different invitation:
Everyone is invited to the spiritual feast of my new birthday. There will be a special surprise.
On the day of the party, everyone was curious and surprised to see on the table a large cake strangely ornamented: a larger part of the cake toppings had dark frosting and two candles together: "45"; and in a narrow band, covered with light frosting, a white "1" candle. At the time of singing congratulations and lighting the candles, Berenice explained:
"This dark part of the cake represents the years I've been in the darkness (Is 9:2), even those years in which I was told a revival believing, faithful and full of gifts, but included in Matthew 7:22,23 (she opened the Bible and did the reading). This candle "1", in the narrow light part, declares that it was only a year ago that I was really born again and experienced what Jesus-Lamb declared: "Who was there every Word (all Truth-John 16:13) and Believes in the Abba-God who sent Me (Gal. 4:6), has forever the Eternal Life, because he has passed from death-separation to Life-communion; has already passed from condemnation to Salvation; has passed from darkness to light" (John 5:24).
Everyone shouted: "Light the candles". She explained: "This ritual of lighting and extinguishing candles at birthday parties is of pagan origin. I will not light the candles "45" because God does not renew the past". She lit only the candle "1", and everyone shouted: "Turn it off." She declared, "I will not erase, for the Light that God-Abba has kindled in my spirit is Christ-Lamb (Jn 1:9,29; Gal 4:6), and neither a thousand evils will be able to quench that God light within my spirit" (Ps 91:7). Now all can sing congratulations and clap your hands with the divine angels here. There is joy in Heaven when a sinner regrets and born spiritually in Christ-Lamb (Luke 15:10,32) and not when "born of the flesh" (John 3:6: Ps 51:5; Rom 3:23).
(Note: Further explanations on these complete truths – unknown to the Christian majority – are in the book: "Gospel of the Glory of the Cross of Christ – All Truth", offered free on the revolutionary website: