Prof. Dr. Pr. Jairo Goncalves | From the High of the Cross of the Father, God the Son Begged Forgiveness and make peace with God-Abba (Col 1:20, Ephesians 2:14) | connect via

At the “Psique and Spirit Clinic” (Lifes Mission), we serve childrens with behavioral and learning problems. A Christian lady came to us to expose the problem with her 7-year-old son whose Christian father (her husband) had died in a crash (fell from a CEMIG post). Briefly, here is the story told by the mother: “Carlinhos suffered greatly from the loss of his father. I tried to comfort him by saying that Daddy had gone to Heaven to live with God and that we should accept the will of the Heavenly Father. That’s what they heard in the funeral service because the Chaplain could not explain the difference between Will and Permissiveness of God-Abba-LAMB (Gal 4:6; John 1:29).”

“Days after the funeral, when I went to accompany my little son in the prayer we always do at bedtime, he did not kneel, did not put his hands in prayer, and only cried. I urged him to talk to Heaven Daddy. He turned his sad face to me and said: “Heavenly Father does not love me. I do not like Father in Heaven any more. I’ve already asked, but He does not want to give my daddy back”. I explained that God could not do that. Then my son became angry and said that this God was very bad, and nothing powerful. Carlinhos asked to go and live with his father in Heaven. I explained that this would only be possible if he died too, and this should take a long time. Carlinhos became depressed and rebellious at home and at school. He did not want to pray any more and said several times: “My father has forgotten us”; “My father must flee from heaven and return home”; “I do not want to live here on earth”; I want to die and go live with my father.” Twice I caught him forcing the bars of the apartment window to throw himself off the fifth floor and move in with his father”.

My initial approach focused on the mother’s need to know the difference between the will and the permissiveness of God the Father. The extreme behavior of Carlinhos (fictitious name) had a direct connection with the root of heartache and revolt of it against God the Father (the root we all inherited from this original sin: Adam and Eve did not accept God’s offer and request for forgiveness, in the person of the God-Son already Lamb, with the blood-vaccine, the antivenom, and there present (Rev 13:8). Adam and Eve did not forgive the God-Abba (Gn 3:12,13). The mother of Carlinhos confessed in revolt at the unjust death of her husband, an excellent father, faithful servant of Jesus, an operative deacon of an evangelical church.

I introduced the confused and wounded mother, the unknown God-Dad, who from the Cross, through the blood of the Son, asked her to forgive God’s initial and involuntary weakness (1Co 1:25; 2Co 13: 4) and make peace with God-Abba (Col 1:20, Ephesians 2:14). “From the High of the Cross of the Father, God the Son Begged Forgiveness” and make peace with God-Abba (Col 1:20, Ephesians 2:14). It was when this wife/mother, so embittered (Heb 12:15), experienced reconciliation with God-Abba (Rom 8:15, Gal 4: 6), by convertion of spirit (1Pe 1:18-23; Mat 11:29; Gal 2:20; 6:14) and found the lap of God-DAD, who is here with us.

This true story leads us to the “all truth” (still hidden) of the Gospel dripping Blood of the Lamb, because the climate and spirit of this case here are repeated in the lives of most unconverted believers (but only converts of soul) when they face the “evil day” (Eph. 6:13). They are Christians who are ignorant of ALL TRUTH (John 16:13) on the Cross-punishment of the God the Father and the Blood-forgiveness of the God-Son-immolated Lamb, before the creation of Man and original sin (Rev 13:8; 1Pe 1:20). Therefore they hold the roots of fear, shame, guilt, and bitterness of original sin deep in the soul and spirit (Heb. 12:1,15; Gen. 3:12); bear the roots of the hereditary family curses (Lk 5:7,16) which the Apostle Paul compares with wood, straw and hay (1 Cor. 3: 10-15: Mt 3:10). The child only knows that God his parents/grandparents know (2 Tim. 1:5). – No child learns to pray right: “My God Daddy, that You are HERE with me … inside of me?”. Attention! The phrase “who art in heaven” (Mt 6:9) is apocryphal and is contrary to Mat 1:23; John 14:18,23; Gal. 4:6).

Note: All Truth about GOD-DAD that children are unaware of is presented in the book: “Gospel of the Glory of the Cross of Christ-All Truth”


Clinic of Soul and Spirit – Psychopedagogic and Biblical Genome Project
Jairo Gonçalves (Theology – Pedagogy – Psychology)

Maria Syllene Andreazzi Street, 154 / Shop 1 – Frei Eustáquio – Belo Horizonte / MG
Tels. (031) 2514-8759 / 99114-7038 (Free Service)



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