Christian Life
We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God. But God, the Father, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be our advocate and satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. If you truly believe and trust in your heart, and receive Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, “Jesus is Lord,” you will be saved and spend eternity with God in heaven.
Living the Christian life is not an easy life and not for the faint hearted either. It’s a road laden with never ending problems as we see in 1 Peter 5:8 which says “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” But with the support and the love of Jesus we can overcome any life problems.
An Authentic Man
Some traits of an authentic man (Flickr) I want to destroy a very persuasive lie that has crept into the church and into the hearts of men. The over-masculinization of men. How often are we told that "getting in touch with our feelings" is getting in touch with our "feminine […]
Read MoreLoving the Unlovable
How to love the unlovable – Matthew 5:38-48 (photo, Timmy Gibson) What is love, and how do we truly exhibit love? I think we all go on these love craves during which we desire to show God's love as much as we can. We have an encounter with love and […]
Read MoreWhy We May Not be Living in the Last Days
The last days may not be here yet as some will led you to believe (Flickr) I love to speak to others about my pervading hope for spiritual awakening. Despite all of the great darkness and unrest, I see the gospel spreading throughout the earth. The beauty and wonder of […]
Read MoreThe Girl Who Didn’t Need a Wheelchair
Christian Persecution in Nigeria
If Christianity Bores You, Then You Haven’t Met Jesus
It's a true miracle to meet Jesus. (photo © Dr. Ashraf Fekry) I used to think Christianity was boring, dull and hands-down a waste of time. I was never a fan of going to church or getting dropped off at yet another youth group event when I was younger. It […]
Read More7 Damaging Sins Which Can Cripple Every Marriage
Damaging sins you need to watch out for in your marriage (iStock photo) Did you know there are sins that can cripple every marriage? Yes, there are. You realize there are no perfect marriages because there are no perfect people. Right? Let me repeat that. There are no perfect marriages because […]
Read MoreGiving this Holiday Season
Let the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit, be your guide in giving this holiday season and beyond (image:St Leodegar's Church). November and December are both months filled with the spirit of giving. We give not to get anything in return, but because Jesus gave his life for us. Here are […]
Read MorePlace Jesus Back In The Manger. Celebrate Advent This Christmas Season.
Why are Millennials Sick of Church?
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Cohabitate Before Marriage
Studies shows after living together before marriage, the odds of staying together decreases significantly (image © Andy Ward) Are you single or dating someone you think may be the one? Or do you have kids who are dating and may be thinking wedding bells at some point? If so, you may […]
Read MoreWhy All Churches Should Address Depression & Anxiety
Living the Christian Life
It's all About Following Jesus (ECWA Archive) What does the Bible say about how to live the Christian life? How to live the Christian life is a topic that is discussed in many Bible passages. One of the most notable discourses was between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus, a member of […]
Read MoreWords of Wisdom: In-laws of Newly Married Couples
How do you get along with your son- or daughter-in-law? (ECWA Archive) I often teach and write about the experiences that I have working with relationships. Personal experience is often some of the best information I have to protect and help other relationships. In helping marriages, I often try to […]
Read MoreMaking your Marriage Last
This is one of the main reasons that couples divorce. (Alan Lambert – Getty Images) I have been married 20 years but I still find that successful communication is the No. 1 challenge in my relationship. And I know I am not alone. Communication issues are the top reason most […]
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