Indepence Day

Should We Continue to Celebrate?

There is no doubt that our political independence is worth celebrating every year. We have come a long way regarding self-determination and freedom and making our own decisions, whether foolish or wise. However, we must stop and evaluate what we have accomplished, what we are accomplishing, and what we hope […]

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United Nations

The independence of nations

by eCommunicator Although wars are still around, with the formation of the United Nations, wars are no longer a serious threat to most members of the United Nations. Diplomacy rules and most civilized nations no longer sees violence or war as a useful way of solving international disputes. In the […]

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Before it was accepted by the country, Robert Gould Shaw was pushed to command the 54th Massachusetts regiment of all African-American soldiers, paving the way to equality

An Independence Day Message for Black Americans

by Charles Love Independence Day has largely become a day for barbecue and furniture sales. For many Americans, however, it remains an important day of reflection, a day to celebrate the founding of this great nation. This Independence Day may be more important than any in recent history, with protests […]

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