What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? (Jam. 4:1). The desires that lead us into conflict and destroy our relationships with God and one another are “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of […]
Read MoreSpiritual Digest
Spiritual Digest is a weekly publication of Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) USA. Spiritual Digest was founded in 2016 by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot. For many years, Rev. Bwanhot have been having been teaching spiritual awareness and spiritual growth every Tuesday at ECWA Church, Chicago. He decided to start sharing the series with the rest of the world late 2018 with the first digital edition published on the New Year’s Day on January 1, 2019. It is currently published exclusively in digital format with a single article published in the first edition of Doxa Magazine. You can search for Spiritual Digest topics on ECWA USA website at https://ecwausa.org to view current as well as previous publications. Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is EMS/SIM Missionary. He serves as Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions; Pastor of ECWA Chicago.
God’s Schedule for You to Pray!
Obstacles! Obstacles!! Obstacles!!! We meet obstacles every day and in every sphere of our lives. No one, no family, and no nation is immune from obstacles. The desert and the Red Sea were obstacles to the Israelites fleeing from Pharoah (Exo. 14). Goliath was an obstacle as the Israelites fought […]
Read MoreThe Most Endangered Species on Earth
Help, Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men. The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men (Ps. 12:1, 8). The most endangered species on earth today are godly men and women – people who have a personal relationship […]
Read MoreAn Invitation to Holiness
But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy (1Pt. 1:15-16). Many Christians believe in misconceptions about holiness rather than in its possibility, as God commanded us. We think that holiness is the […]
Read MoreThe Choice Each of Us Must Make
Two personalities are interested in you, and each of them desperately wants you to serve them. The two personalities are God and Satan. God and Satan are not in competition with each other since Satan is a creature of God and under the power of God, but each of them […]
Read MoreWhen Weakness Is Strength
Independence is a cherished value today. Kids want to do things without the interference of adults; adults, and even seniors do things and are agitated when anyone gives unsolicited advice. Dependence is considered an admission of weakness or failure. In our culture today, where everyone must be a winner and […]
Read MoreSorry, But You Are Not in Charge!
We humans can be funny and phony, and we will soon find out how. None of us chose our parents or decided which day of the week and time to be born. None of us picked the city, town, or hospital to be born. None of us chose our meals […]
Read MoreThe Paradox of Freedom and Law
Laws are excellent if they do not apply to you. Many young people long for the day they go to college, or somewhere they are no longer under their parents’ ‘restrictive’ rules. However, no sooner than they are out of parental supervision than they must submit to new restrictive rules […]
Read MoreBe A Xerox Copy of God
“Be imitators of God … as dearly loved children and live a life of love …” (Eph. 5:1-2). God’s invitation to imitate Him is an unscalable challenge to every one of us. Who can imitate God? We failed the test of keeping the Ten Commandments, and God graciously set them […]
Read MoreMirrors, Mirrors, Mirrors.
Mirrors are a great discovery and so vital that we have them in bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, and most ladies carry them around in their purses. As the mirror reveals, there is always a 100% response to fix whatever is incorrect. As good as the mirror is, it lacks […]
Read MoreImplications of Easter
Christ is risen indeed! But what does it mean to you? The good news of the resurrection was proclaimed to the disciples by the women who saw Him alive, but the news only added to their confusion. However, something dramatic happened when Christ revealed Himself to the two disciples on […]
Read MoreThe Cross Existed Before Sin!
The CROSS, where our redemption was paid, was in God’s heart even before the world’s foundation. “… the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). That means even before we were created and yielded to sin, God knew of our predicament and reached out in […]
Read MoreChoosing To Die to Live
As a result of the spiritual and physical death passed on to man because of the fall, we come into the world determined to live and not die. But no one has succeeded in keeping themselves alive physically or spiritually. Death is inescapable. Jesus Christ is eternal and has no […]
Read MoreSIN: A Debt with A High Interest
For the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23a). Sin is an enticement to enjoy a massive loan with an astronomically high interest rate and stiff penalties. The loan is only for projects that are adjudged morally inappropriate from the Bible’s point of view. Those loans are invested in lustful […]
Read MoreSpiritual Giants
If you think you are a spiritual giant because you have been a Christian for many years, or degrees earned from seminaries, a position in the church, a spiritual gift being exercised, financial contribution, and holy life that you live, think again. You are a spiritual giant only in your […]
Read MoreErecting Your Memorial
When God stopped the flow of the Jordan and the children of Israel crossed over the river on dry ground, they were commanded to pick up stones from the riverbed and set them up as a memorial (Jos. 3 and 4). No one, including the unborn generation, was to forget […]
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