Heaven, as described in Revelation 21:1-22:6, is irresistible, and the price is right – absolutely free – free to us but paid for by Christ’s death on the cross. The current earth and heaven with all the hang-ups will pass away, and God will usher us into a new heaven […]
Read MoreSpiritual Digest
Spiritual Digest is a weekly publication of Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) USA. Spiritual Digest was founded in 2016 by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot. For many years, Rev. Bwanhot have been having been teaching spiritual awareness and spiritual growth every Tuesday at ECWA Church, Chicago. He decided to start sharing the series with the rest of the world late 2018 with the first digital edition published on the New Year’s Day on January 1, 2019. It is currently published exclusively in digital format with a single article published in the first edition of Doxa Magazine. You can search for Spiritual Digest topics on ECWA USA website at https://ecwausa.org to view current as well as previous publications. Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is EMS/SIM Missionary. He serves as Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions; Pastor of ECWA Chicago.
Givers of Love Are the Biggest Winners!
Valentine’s Day is today, and perhaps you are sitting on the sidelines waiting to be shown love by your spouse or best friend. You will likely be upset if they fail to express love to you in a tangible way or come short of your expectations. You have just set […]
Read MoreCan You Die for The Truth?
During His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ did so much good, including healing and feeding thousands, raising the dead, teaching, counseling, and encouraging thousands without charging a penny. The people even wanted to make Him their king, but He declined. So, why did they kill a man who did a lot […]
Read MoreWhat Might God Be Displaying in Your Life?
T his happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life” (John 9:3). Everything God created and all He allows or does not allow are to display His works and glory. For example, the mountains reveal His steadfastness and unchangeable nature; the sun reveals His glory, […]
Read MoreAre You Still Waiting in Line for Your Turn with God?
Do you sometimes think that God is too busy and unable to get to your case as quickly as you want him to? You are not angry because you understand He is busy, and others are in line ahead of you or may even have more critical issues than yours. […]
Read MoreVote To Die In 2024 So That You Can Live
Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds (John 12:24). We all say ‘Amen’ to this parable because of the truth it conveys. The fact, though, is that […]
Read MoreCongratulations! Happy New Year! Welcome To The 2024 Journey!
God is awesome and very wise. He gave us only three time periods, Past, Present, and Future, and taught us how to live. The past, like 2023, has come and gone, and only memories and lessons learned are what we have left. The future is from the next second to […]
Read MoreYou Can and Should Make a Difference in Someone Today
Being in a place where you look different from everyone else, different from what you are used to, and unable to communicate because of the language barrier can be intimidating and overwhelming. The greatest need in such times is a friend who understands your fears and is ready to walk […]
Read MoreCelebrate Christmas: Lessons from the Magi
The Christmas story, as told in Matthew 2:1-12 captures the meaning and purpose of Christmas and how to celebrate Christ the King appropriately. Christmas remains one of the most celebrated holidays in the world by Christians and non-Christians. Every industry cashes in during Christmas as more merchandise is sold, more […]
Read MoreMaking Room For Jesus In Your Heart
Undoubtedly, the Christmas season is a hectic time, and our schedules are tight, with no flexible room left. Mary willingly set aside her reputation to become the mother of Jesus. Joseph made adjustments overnight to welcome the child that he was not the biological father. Wise men from the east […]
Read MorePreparing for Christmas
Christmas is already here, ready or not. Stores have rolled out their Christmas wares and are already raking in millions of dollars. Vacations, travel plans, hotel reservations, gifts, caroling, decorations, etc. have all been concluded. But is that how best to be ready for Christmas? As Christians, Christmas is a […]
Read MoreWhat It Will Take to Please God
When Enoch suddenly disappeared from the earth, the only information God volunteered to our inquiring minds is: “Enoch walked with God” (Gen. 5:24). The writer of Hebrews expounded that to mean “pleased God” (Heb. 11:5). We all claim to walk with God, but is God pleased with us? Pharaoh was […]
Read MoreGod Gets All the Thanks!
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1Thes. 5:18). This is Thanksgiving Week, and we redirect our attention to our benevolent Father from whom all good things come. On a typical day, we say thank you several times to different people – […]
Read MoreWhat Are Those Scars?
Paul said, “I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus” (Gal. 6:17b). What about you? Most people have scars on their bodies following bruising of the skin. These scars are reminders and bring about pleasant or unpleasant memories of the past. God could have decreed the healing […]
Read MoreMirrors Are Surprisingly Indispensable Today!
We are concerned with our physical appearances today, and mirrors are hung everywhere to help us check ourselves. Over 90% of ladies carry mirrors in their purses. There is always a 100% response to fix whatever the mirror reveals is wrong. When everything is perfect, we smile and walk away […]
Read MoreComplaining Saints
Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when he heard them, his anger was aroused (Num. 11:1). The most significant enemy the Church has today is not Satan, terrorists, governments, unbelievers, etc.; it is Christians who COMPLAIN. Yeah! And all of us, including […]
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