God Can Restore any Christian to His Side
When God Restores Christian Women Marked by Bad Marriages, Divorce and Crazy Kids
Finding God in the Desert
When we are in the middle of a desert trek, God’s hand seems absent and we are blinded by the glaring circumstances. (HDWallSource by AWLTER)
Desert times are fruitful times. Though they seem barren, lush fruit is being produced in our lives when we walk through the desert. “For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the works of your hands. He knows your wanderings through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing” (Deuteronomy 2:7).
Read MoreWhen You Don’t Win
Like in life. It's not realistic to expect to get what you want all the time (Reuters) Ahhhhh, cake walks. The anticipation of maybe, just maybe, hearing your number called and getting to choose the cake of your dreams. I actually remember one particular cake walk from sometime when I […]
Read More5 ways to exercise no matter how busy you are
An Aussie model for the past seven years, in 2013 Hannah started sharing her fitness routine, diet and health tips on Instagram to much success. She launches her workout app this year (hanxfit.com) Keeping fit when you've got a jam-packed schedule IS possible, writes Hannah Saul We've all gone […]
Read MoreWhen Christians Are Targeted for Death
"On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). "And that rock was Christ" (1 Cor. 10:4). Christians have been targeted for death in a school in Oregon. On a beach in Libya. In the villages of northern Syria. In […]
Read More3 Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong Children
My baby girl got married recently. As I lay awake many nights prior to the ceremony contemplating my role as the father of the bride and beyond, I also did a lot of reflecting. God is the only one capable of being the perfect father. Much of my time, life […]
Read MoreIs Prayer a Spiritual Obligation or Your Life?
A congregation praying during a Christian conference. by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, author, speaker, conference leader and executive director of the Praying Life Foundation. You can visit her online at prayinglife.org. I grew up in a praying family. From earliest childhood, I was encouraged to commit everything to God through prayer. […]
Read MoreHow the Church Can Display God’s Power
by Lisa Bevere Author of Girls with Swords: How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero. Imagine you are blindfolded in the middle of a battlefield. The deafening sounds of explosions are drowning out the shouts of direction from those around you. From where you stand, all you perceive is […]
Read MoreIs Consistency Overrated?
Consistent discipline has been touted as the key to raising godly children. Yet here's what's missing from that line of thinking. (iStockPhoto | Kevin Russ) "Consistency is overrated." I love that statement! "That is the most freeing statement I've heard in a long time." That's what one mom said when […]
Read More3 Keys to Overcoming Anxiety
Paul the apostle shared scriptural principles to put anxiety under your feet. (iStockPhoto) I was sitting in the center of the long room, at one of the fancy new electric typewriters. It was a timed typing test in my first semester of typing class. She said go, and I could […]
Read MoreFor Those Who Feel Like Nobody
Overlooked or underestimated by people? Read this. (iStockPhoto | Josea Reyes) You are not normal. Is this statement surprising? Or does it perhaps carry a negative connotation? It doesn't have to. The reality is that you are an anointed child of the Most High God, the Creator of all things […]
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