Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when he heard them, his anger was aroused (Num. 11:1).
The most significant enemy the Church has today is not Satan, terrorists, governments, unbelievers, etc.; it is Christians who COMPLAIN. Yeah! And all of us, including myself, are guilty of this sin. The Church has learned the bad habits of the Israelites whose lives between Egypt and the Promised Land were nothing but one complaint after the other. We complain today about believers who look different from ourselves and whose doctrinal and liturgical traditions differ from ours. We complain when worship services go five minutes beyond one hour, but it’s okay when we sit three to four hours watching football, and we are excited when it goes overtime. To complain is to charge God for not doing things your way. To grumble or complain is a sin, and God warns us not to do that (1 Cor. 10:10, Jam. 5:9, Jude 1:16). When tempted to complain about any situation, present it instead in prayer to God and experience victory.