The Mandate, Joys and Pains of Building Solid ECWA Churches in the US
God led us to pray for the 2018 ECWA USA Conference more than we ever prayed for any of the conferences we have had since 1999. God anointed every speaker and used every service leader remarkably. He made us receptive to His word and we responded in joyful worship and exaltation of Christ. God did it. He used you and we were all blessed. Thank you for taking the time to pray, prepare and pay your way to the conference.
Thank you also to our able Service leaders. Your roles were very critical, and you did well. May God reward you for your labor for Him and His Church.
Introduction | The Great Commission remains the enduring mandate Christ gave the Church and our church named Evangelical Church Winning All is our all-time response to our Lord and Master. Our obedience to the Great Commission in America comes at a great price and our 2018 Theme: Joy in Suffering is woven into the theme for the conference: The Mandate, Joys and Pains of Building Solid ECWA Churches in the US. Our Goal for the conference is to equip and position us for effective evangelism, church planting and growth in 21st century America. |
Registration & Orientation |
Thursday July 19, 2018 – 3:00pm–10:00pm |
![]() Arrival, Registration, Check-in, & Orientation |
View & Download Images Thursday Images |
Welcome to ECWA USA 2018 International Conference. In your package you will find list of comprehensive programs spanning a wide range of Theology and self-help topics. But with so many sessions on the schedule, it can be a challenge to decide which to add to your personal agenda. To help you narrow down the choices, we’ve created tracks customized to specific workshops. |
Thursday July 19, 2018 – 7:00pm–8:30pm (90 min) |
Orientation Video | ECWA Worship and Prayer |
Worship and Prayer in the Courtyard Marriott Hotel Meeting Room 1 lead by Dr. Joshua Odetunde and Mrs. Elizabeth Garba. | |
Plenary Sessions 1 | Friday July 20, 2018 – 9:05am–9:25am (20 min) |
Friday Images | Biblical Mandate for Church Planting. |
View & Download Images | This topic seeks to unveil the fact that Church Planting is not just a mandate but also the most effective model for fulfilling the Great Commission. |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 9:35am–9:55am (20 min) | |
ECWA Must Live to its Name and Purpose. | |
Praise and Worship Break Every Chain Young Adults Worship I Want More Of You Imela Eze m oh Jehovah You Are the… |
ECWA, as an Evangelical Church, signs off that the proclamation of the Gospel is what we live and breathe. Our most recent name change to Evangelical Church Winning All is a paradigm shift, a broadening of our vision and a bold step to cross barriers and cultures to take the Gospel where ever it is needed. A brief history of ECWA and how we have always ministered will help us see the new direction we are going. |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:05am–10:25am (20 min) | |
Why Plant Churches in the USA? | |
Although there are hundreds of thousands of churches in America today, America continues to be a growing mission field given the thousands of refugees from non-Christian backgrounds, Asylum seekers and young Americans who are turning away from the traditional religion of their parents. The American Church needs revival and new ways of doing church. | |
Plenary Sessions 2 |
Friday July 20, 2018 7:55pm–8:15pm (20 min) |
What kind of Churches are we called to Build? | |
It is not a secret that churches today have different agendas and some are not necessarily concerned about carrying out the gospel mandate. There are those that focus more on Economic, Political, Social, Ecological, etc. issues than on the Gospel. The mandate to make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey all that Christ taught remains undone and we need to return to this task. | |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 8:25pm–8:45pm (20 min) | |
God has a Role for you. | |
One great challenge ECWA has is that ministry is still largely being driven professionally by the clergy. Most ECWA members are spectators instead of being equipped for work of ministry – Eph. 4:11-12. We must break this habit and unleash Church members to do ministry. | |
Plenary Sessions 3 |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 9:05am–9:25am (20 min) |
Saturday Images | How to Build strong and Multi-cultural churches. |
View & Download Images God of Abraham Video Praise & Worship Video Remember Me Lord Mambo Sawa Sawa |
The Good News is for all nations and as Paul said: I became all things to all people so that by all means I might win some to Christ. America is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-generational nation. We need to change how we do church and reposition our churches to reflect the diversity in our communities if we are going to thrive. This will take hard work. |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 9:35am–9:55am (20 min) | |
The Cost of being part of the Building process. | |
Burundi Praise & Worship Mambo Sawa Sawa Live I Know Who I Am’ Take Me To The King |
No one is exempted from the Great Commission. This task also is costly as suffering is involved. Jesus made it clear that if anyone will be His disciple, he must take up his cross daily and follow Him. We are advised to count the cost before embarking on any project – even that of church planting in the US. |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:05am–10:25am (20 min) | |
The Joys of being involved in the Building process. | |
Joy is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which the believer enjoys as he walks in obedience with the Lord. The hardships and challenges we face as we seek to expand the Kingdom of God here on earth cannot compare with the joy God gives us through the trials. There is Joy in Suffering and there are other blessings that come to us as we obey God and carry out His mandate. | |
Workshops 1 | Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) |
How to Transform our Churches into Multi-Cultural Churches. | |
This workshop will equip you and your church to move from being a mono-cultural church to a multi-cultural church that adequately reflects the demographics of your parish or neighborhood. When we are labeled a Nigerian Church, a Yoruba Church or even an African Church, we should not be contented with that. | |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
How to start and sustain a Prayer cell where you are. | |
![]() Many will never consider themselves to be church planters because they did not go to seminary or do not know the Bible much. Truth of the matter is that anyone of us can be a Church planter. Learn how you and one or a few others can start and sustain a Prayer cell which will eventually evolve into a full fledge church. |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
How can I know God’s will for my life? | |
Who should I marry? What career should I pursue? What college should I go to? What town should I live in? Where will God want me to serve Him? … and many similar questions. Come to this workshop and learn guiding principles of how to discern God’s will in every situation of your life. | |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
The truth about the Holy Spirit and how I can be filled. | |
The Holy Spirit is neither controversial nor are His activities shrouded in secrecy. He is plain and simple but many wrong teachings about Him and His work has brought about confusion to many. This workshop will guide you to the truths you need to know about the Holy spirit and how you can be filled by Him. | |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
Finding my right partner, Dating and Marriage. | |
Finding your right partner is second only to salvation. It is important to know where and how to find your partner for marriage. Issues of dating and marriage will also be discussed at this workshop. | |
Friday July 20, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
Minimizing conflicts between parents and children arising from cross cultural differences. | |
This workshop will help everyone and especially families that immigrated from other cultures into America. Cultural conflicts, generational gaps, language barriers, etc. are constant areas of conflicts between parents and children. Learn how to manage these differences and bring peace to your home. | |
Workshops 2 | Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) |
Understanding what the Prosperity and Health gospel is all about. | |
What is Prosperity Gospel? Why is it such a popular Gospel and everyone is gravitating toward it? Can it be wrong when it is taught in the Bible and so many churches and good Christians believe in it? Find out more about it in this workshop. | |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
Minimizing conflicts between parents and children arising from cross cultural differences. | |
This workshop will help everyone and especially families that immigrated from other cultures into America. Cultural conflicts, generational gaps, language barriers, etc. are constant areas of conflicts between parents and children. Learn how to manage these differences and bring peace to your home. | |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45–11:45am (60 min) | |
How to use technology and Social Media without worshiping it. | |
The revolution of cell phones, iPhones, iPads, computers and wide-open doors to social media, have good and bad outcomes. These gadgets are not evil by themselves, but we need wisdom on how best to use them as subtly they are running our lives instead of God. If you use these gadgets much, this workshop is a must for you. | |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
Starting and maintaining a growing Devotional life or Quiet time. | |
The one Christian discipline that contributes most to our growing process in our faith is our personal devotional time with the Lord. It is also called Quiet Time. Many saints struggle with maintaining a consistent, joyful and spiritually enriching Quiet Time. Quiet time best practices will be shared at this workshop to help you launch into a more fruitful experience. | |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45am–11:45am (60 min) | |
How to know my spiritual gifts. | |
The Bible makes it clear that every believer has one or more spiritual gifts and God expects you to steward your gift faithfully. But you find yourself among several others who say: but I do not know my gift. Welcome to this workshop; you will be shown how to know your spiritual gift(s). | |
Saturday July 21, 2018 – 10:45–11:45am (60 min) | |
How to Transform our Churches into Multi-Cultural Churches. | |
This workshop will equip you and your church to move from being a mono-cultural church to a multi-cultural church that adequately reflects the demographics of your parish or neighborhood. When we are labeled a Nigerian Church, a Yoruba Church or even an African Church, we should not be contented with that. | |
Panel Discussions | Saturday July 21, 2018 – 7:30pm–8:15pm (45 min) |
![]() The Role of Prayer in Building the Church |
![]() The Role of Men in Building the Church |
![]() The Role of Women in Building the Church |
The Role of Youth in Building the Church | |
Sunday morning Worship | Sunday July 22, 2018 – 8:00am–9:15am (75 min) |
![]() ![]() Sermon: Let us Rise and Build (Sermon length: 30 min) |
![]() ![]() This is to be more of an invitation to all join hands and carry on with the work that we, as ECWA, are committed to here in the US. Bearing in mind all the presentations made in the plenary sessions, it is time now to have all hands-on deck to build. |