by Kevin Ashwe – In Psalm 100:1, the writer urges us to “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing!” (image: David)
Punctuality is a godly virtue that can be taught and instilled in your members.
Why People come late to Church
* Boring services
* Overstretched services
* Lukewarmness
* Secular duties
* Habitual
* Family challenges
* Distance to Church
* Ignorance of the benefits of punctuality
* Misplacement of priority
* When leaders are also late
Tips to Help Inculcate Punctuality to all Church Meetings
* Be exemplary
* Teach them
* Pray for them
* Make services lively
* Keep to time
* Price punctuality highly
* Let all leaders exemplify it
* Make punctuality a key criteria for leadership
* Teach with the anointing and power
* Be persistent but patient



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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