When God stopped the flow of the Jordan and the children of Israel crossed over the river on dry ground, they were commanded to pick up stones from the riverbed and set them up as a memorial (Jos. 3 and 4). No one, including the unborn generation, was to forget what God did for Israel. God is still doing great things for us, but we are setting up memorials for what we are doing for ourselves and not what God is doing in and through and for us. Since the deeds and memorials we set up for ourselves are not perfect, our children do not like them and walk away from them. Sadly, it ultimately leads to some of them walking away from fellowship with God. Your memorials are the legacy you left behind. It is not what you want people to know, but it is what people observe as the passion and priorities of your life. Testimonies last Saturday during my brother’s funeral service were consistent regarding his humility, passionate service, and faithful walk with the Lord. May our memorials stand tall also. Amen!