
Abduction, forced conversion and forced marriage of Christian minors goes under-reported in Northern Nigeria, where Islam is the main religion. (World Watch Monitor)
Abduction, forced conversion and forced marriage of Christian minors goes under-reported in Northern Nigeria, where Islam is the main religion. (World Watch Monitor)

Radical Islamic herdsmen, known as Fulani militants, wreaked havoc on a small Christian village in Katsina state in early September. Morning Star News described Fulani militants as “inspired by their desire to forcefully take over Christians’ lands and impose Islam as desertification.”

On September 6, Fulani militants killed Reverend Alubara Audu of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) and three other church members. On September 18, church elder Ibrahim Garba received multiple gunshots to his lower abdomen, instantly killing him. The militants then kidnapped his teenaged twin girls, Hassana and Hussaina, to be sold to radical Muslim men.

“This is one incident among many. It is the sustained and targeted kidnapping of Christian girls in northern Nigeria, after which they are forcefully converted to Islam and married off, thereby becoming sex slaves,” Charles Yahaya, a resident in Katsina state, told Morning Star News.

Such activity needs more awareness and government intervention. Fulani militants violate Nigeria’s constitutional right for religious freedom and expression.

Read More about Kidnapping Christians for Ransom Continues to Plague Nigeria

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