Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (Col. 3:16). If there is anything in this world that Christians should give themselves to, it is the Word of God. Sadly, there are other things than the Word of God that we are occupied with. Jesus said that if we remain in Him and His Words remain in us, we will bear much fruit that will last, thereby showing that we are His disciples. Digging deep into the Word of God is neither a lazy man’s fun nor the preoccupation of one surrounded with too much ease and comfort. The Japanese grew dwarf trees by taking the seedlings of trees that could grow up to 90 feet and severing the taproot with scissors. These trees live off the shallow surface roots and grow to a maximum height of 18 inches only. All believers are meant to be giants of the faith with tap roots that dig deep into God’s Word and are transformed through the nourishment that comes from abiding. If we have no tap roots, the storms of life will easily uproot us. The quantity and quality of time you put into studying God’s Word and obedience will determine your type of Christianity.


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