Rebecca Laudarji

Life in Chicago
For the past two months since I have been back, I have been sharing about Ecuador with supporters and also in the process of raising funds for this coming year. I believe at this point that I have spoken with all my current monthly supporters and thankfully everyone has made the commitment to keep supporting me this coming year. Thank you for your commitment and partnership with Ecuador and what God is doing there. If at any point, something changes and you need to stop giving, increase giving, etc. please call


Prayer Items
-Pray that our students will continue to grow in their relationship with God even in our absence.
– Pray for Miriam and Xavier that they continue to listen to God and go where He is calling them.
-Continue to pray for me as I work on support that God will lead me to those He desires to use and that my relationship with the Lord will be strengthened during this time.
-Pray for the rest of my team as we all trust God to provide for us financially.

-Thank God for safety granted to my parents who were in Nigeria in November for my cousins’ weddings and ministry.
– Thank God for the support he has provided for my teammates and I.
-Thank God for the safe delivery of my friend’s baby boy on November 30th.

Support Update!
I am still in the process of raising funds but God has been faithful in providing and I trust and believe that He will keep doing that until I reach my goal. This coming year my monthly support goal is $2724 and my one time need is $12,032. I have 63% of my monthly amount funded and 21% of the one time amount. I still need $1004 monthly and a one- time amount of $9442 in order to be fully supported. Due to a review of last year’s expenses, my monthly support increased by about 10%. I know that many of you are supporting me monthly or have given one-time gifts in the past and I truly appreciate your support. However, I kindly ask that you pray about helping me meet my new goal by increasing your monthly or one time support. Thank you once again for your partnership in the kingdom ministry and I look forward to talking with you and hearing from you all! I pray that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

What’s happening in Ecuador?
If you remember, I was discipling Miriam who is one of the student leaders on the UG campus. Since Miriam recently decided to work with Cru in her country, she has been praying that God will give her boyfriend Xavier a heart for ministry with Cru in their city. I spoke with Miriam and this is what she told me after she had spoken with Xavier. He told her that he felt God calling him to serve with Cru and she said, “I started to cry not for him but I cried because I knew that God answered my prayers!!! HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!!

Miriam and Xavier

Please pray for Miriam and Xavier who are planning to get married next year and work with Cru together after graduating!

Contact information: Email – Rebecca.laudarji[at]



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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