The Osirian civilization of the Mediterranean predates dynastic Egypt. Ufologists considered this civilization to be highly advanced with ultraterrestrials who made use of air ships similar to the Vimana.

History shows the Osirian civilization built huge earthquake-proof megalithic structures and had electricity and other conveniences common during the time of Atlantis. Only high technology of the Osirians could create the platform found at Baalbek, Lebanon. The main platform is composed of the largest hewn rocks in the world, the famous ashlars of Ba’albek. Some of the individual stones are 82 to 100 feet long and around 15 feet thick and are estimated to weigh anywhere between 1,200 and 1,500 tons each.

The Mediterranean was a large and fertile valley especially during the periods of the Atlantis and Rama. During the Osirian civilization, the Nile river was called the River Stix. However, instead of flowing into the Mediterranean Sea at the Nile Delta in northern Egypt, it continued into the Osirian valley, and then turned westward to flow in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Valley where it created a large lake and then flowed out between Malta and Sicily, and south of Sardinia into the Atlantic at Gibraltar (the Pillars of Hercules).
During the destruction of Atlantis by a cataclysmic upheaval, the Atlantic slowly flooded the Mediterranean Basin, destroying all the great Osirian cities, which forced them to move to higher ground. This theory would explain the strange megalithic remains found throughout the Mediterranean.
It is widely accepted that there are more than 200 known sunken cities in the Mediterranean. Egyptian civilization, along with the Minoan and Mycenean in Crete and Greece are, in theory, remnants of Osirian culture. Like Atlantis and Rama, they also had airships and other modes of transport, often electrical in nature. The mysterious cart tracks of Malta, which go over cliffs and under water, may well be part of some ancient Osirian tram-line, possibly taking quarried stone to cities that are now submerged.
Baalbek is full of prehistoric and Neolithic settlements and was first occupied around 10,000BC. Baalbek’s 300 years of Roman rule overshadow its 10,000 years of continuous settlement, its prehistoric origins and its role as the wellspring of the valley’s two major water sources – an epicentre of life and fertility.
Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, By David Hatcher Childress
The Myth of the Megalith (2014), by Elif Batuman
Osirian · Artist: Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard
Author: eCommunicator
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