2016 ECWA USA Calendar

“So He (the LORD) drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.Gen.3:24.”.
When the morning dawned, the angels urged Lot to hurry, saying” Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city.” Gen.19:15.
“For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Ps.91:11-12.
“Then the devil left Him, and the angels came and ministered to Him.” Matt.4:11.
“Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven and strengthened Him.” Lu.22:43.
“But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, he says: Let all the angels of God worship Him.” Heb.1:6
“But to which of the angels has He ever said: Sit at my right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool?” Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Heb.1:13-14.

God originally created innumerable company sic) of sinless, spirit-beings, known as angels. They are messengers of God to help His people in all ages. However, one angel high in rank sinned through pride. He is known as Satan. A great company of other angels joined Satan in his rebellion. They became active agents of Satan and are called demons) Isa.14:12-17; Ezek.28:11-19;1 Tim.3:6.

We’re back. After about three months break, in order to write the series for Christmas, ECWA 2024 Theme, and the recently ended Spiritual formation Summit, we’re back to the Exposition of ECWA Articles of faith and Practice. The numerical order of the Articles of faith and Practice was not followed at the beginning of this series, but the statement on angels is number 5 on the list.
In theology, the doctrine about angels and demons is called Angelology and Demonology.
Tales about angels and demons are as ancient as the garden of Eden. There is hardly a child growing up, whether in the primitive or the so-called civilized culture who never heard about angels or demons, either told as myths, folklores of pagan superstition, or as traditional biblical history. In the 1990s, there seemed to be in America a resurgence of interest on the subject of angels and the life hereafter. It is disappointing however, to note that much of the books and views expressed on the subject are tainted by New Age and occultic syncretism. The doctrine about angels is a subject which the Bible has a lot to say about.

The answer to this question is of primary importance before venturing into a biblical study of the subject. The terms “angels”, “the angels”, or “the Angel of the LORD” appear multiple times in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. But it should be carefully noted that there is a vast and infinite difference between the two terms. The former refers to created beings and the latter to the eternal Creator of all beings. Both are not anywhere synonymously or interchangeably used in the Scriptures. Most of the time when “angels,” the created beings, is meant, an indefinite article “an” or plural form “angels” is used. (See the above opening scriptures.) But the “Angel of the Lord”, the Creator of all beings, is always referred to with the definite article “the Angel or the Angel of the Lord” He is always referred to in the singular form, never in the plural. Gen.16:7; 21:17; 22:15; Num.22:22-27;32-35; Judg.5:23; 6:22-24; 13:9-23;etc. Moreover, the reference to the “Angel of the Lord” in the Old Testament is commonly understood as the preincarnate Jesus or the Theophany.
Like humans, angels are created beings and therefore not eternal. Psalm 148 which calls for all the creation to praise their Creator mentions angels.v.2. Two passages in the New Testament attribute the creation of all that exist (and that includes angels) to God. Jn.1:3; Col. 1:16. Also like the rest of the creation, their existence and function is sustained by Christ.Col.1:17. But unlike humans, they are spiritual beings and endowed with supernatural powers and intelligence. Gen.19:10-11;2 Sam.14:20; 24:15-16; Dan.6:21-22; 8:15-16;2 Thess.1:7;2 Pet.2:11. Although spiritual beings, and possess supernatural intelligence, they are neither omnipotent, Dan.10:12-13,20; 2 Pet.2:11; Jude 9; nor omniscient.Matt.24:36;1 Pet.1:10-12. Angels, like humans, are not sinless, and are subject to judgment and punishment.Isa.14:12-15; Ezek.28:11-15; 1 Cor.6:3;2Pet.2:4; Jude 6; Rev.12:7-9. There is no disclosure in the Scriptures when the angels were created, but they predated humans, and seemed to have witnessed the creation of the universe. Job 38:7.

Their name spells out their primary mission or purpose of creation. Angels are heavenly messengers or servants. The word “angel” both in Hebrew, malakh and in Greek, anggelos, means messenger or servant. The first mention of angels, cherubim, in the Bible assigned them to a task.Gen.3:24. And likewise in many other places. Gen.19:15-17; Ps.91:11-12;103:20-21;Job 1:6; Matt.4:11; 13:49; 18:10;Mk.13:26-27;Lu.1:19;22:43.etc. The author of Hebrews describes them as servile creatures.Heb.1:13-14. It is likely that this designation contributed to the concept of the guardian angel. Besides running heavenly errands, there seems to be a higher duty or what could be considered the primary duty of angels. Biblical eschatology depicts worship as the primary duty of angels.Rev.4:6-11;5:8-14;7:11-12;19:4. This picture is first shown in the vision of prophets Isaiah and Daniel. Isa.6:1-8; Dan.7:9-10. The Psalmist repeats calls to angels to worship Jehovah. Ps.29:1; 103:20-21. All the angelic hosts are summoned to worship the Son of God.Heb.1:6. Although God will be the Executor of the endtime program, He will do it using the angels as His agents. Beginning with the period of the Great tribulation until the ushering in of the eternal state, angels play different roles in the endtime program.Rev.6-22.

As the heavenly hosts, angels operate in a well-ordered form and seemingly ranked as in human administration. The Scriptures categorize celestial beings as Seraphim, Cherubim, powers, authorities, principalities, thrones, might, and dominion.Isa.6:1-11;Gen.3:24;Ezek.10:3-16;Eph.1:21; 3:10;Col.1:16;2:10. This designation is also used to describe the demonic realms.1 Cor.15:24;Eph.6:12;Col.2:15. Some Medieval theologians wrestled with the issue of this ranking that some ended up with either nine or ten levels angels. In his masterful way, the renowned theologian of that age, Thomas Aquinas, nicknamed, The Angelic Doctor, because of his many writings on the angelology, wisely cautioned in his Magnum Opus , Summa Theologica, that our knowledge of angels is inadequate and we therefore should be cautious in our categorization.
Following-up on the counsel of Aquinas, it is appropriate also to warn that while possessing attributes that exceed those of humans, angels are not objects of worship. On the contrary, good angels shun worship by humans. Rev. 19:10; 22:8-9. Paul warned against those who in the guise of false humility or the dispense of esoteric knowledge lure the believer into the worship of angels.Col.2:18.

All angels, including Satan, in their original creation were good. Gen.1:31. But at some unspecified time, more likely before the creation of the universe, Lucifer, as he was originally known, in his pride, rebelled against God.Isa.14:12-17; Ezek.28:11-19. In his rebellion, he drew with him one-third of the angels.Rev.12:4. After his fall and being cast out of heaven, Lucifer became Satan, the accuser, and his companions became demons. Ever since his fall, has begun the Cosmic battle of the Ages between good and evil. Although Christ defeated Satan on the cross and disarmed all his principalities and authorities, Col.2:15, this conflict will continue until the consummation of time which God has set in his calendar. 1 Cor.15:24-25; Rev.20:10; Matt.25:41.
The Scriptures indicate that not all the angels who were cast down with Lucifer are at work in the world today. Some have been remanded as prisoners in chains.2 Pet.2:4; Jude 6. Their number is unknown because the total number of the angelic hosts is not revealed anywhere in the Scriptures. Instead, the Scriptures refer to “innumerable company of angels.” Heb.12:22,(NKJV), and ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousand of thousands.Rev.5:11.cf.Ps.68:17. Although the number of fallen angels is unknown it should be speculated that the 200 million army bound at the River Euphrates is part of the number.Rev.9:14-16.
The good angels consist of those who have remained loyal to God’s authority. They are called “the holy angels,” “the angels of God.” Lu.9:26;12:8.” The angels of God. “Heb.1:6.” His angels, “angels in heaven.” Matt.16:27; 24:31. Those who do his bidding and worship before His majestic throne without ceasing. They are the ones who will serve as the executing agents of the endtime program.Rev.6-22.

Angels like humans have names. But of all of the myriads of angels that are in existence, only three are mentioned by name in the Bible.
Lucifer- “Morningstar” or “son of the morning” The appellation given to him in Isa.14:12. This designation is referring to his unfallen state. Some think that he was the archangel before Michael.
Michael the archangel- “Who is like God.” Dan.10:13,21;12:1;Jude 1:9;Rev.12:7.
Gabriel-“Mighty warrior of God.” Although his name depicts him as a warrior, he is more frequently presented as an “emissary angel” Dan.8:15-17; 9:20-22; Lu.1:18-20,26-27.
There are other angels mentioned in the non-canonical books and these also include Michael and Gabriel.
Some angels are described with titles such as Cherubim and Seraphim. This appellation appears to specify a special duty different from the other angels.
Cherubim -pl. for cherub. From the first mention in Genesis 3:24 and other places in the Old Testament, it appears that these are angels whose primary duty is guardianship or to protect. Exo.25:17-22 ;1 Chron.28:18;2 Chron.3:10-13. The cherubim, in addition to their guardianship detest pollution of true worship. Their picturesque gradual departure from the temple was a clear sign of God’s rebuke and rejection of the idolatrous worship that prevailed among the remnants.Ezek.1-10.
Seraphim-pl. For seraph. The name means “shining ones “or “burning ones.” This is burning with the holiness of God’s presence. These are thought to be the angels who stand closest to the throne of God. Their only duty is to continually worship and proclaim God’s holiness.Isa.6:1-4. The seraphim cover their faces while worshiping because of the dazzling majesty of God’s holiness.
Sons of God-Heb.bene elohim. Job 1:6; 38:7.
Host of heaven.1 Kgs.22:19; Lu.2:13.1 Sam.1:11
Mighty ones or heavenly beings. Ps.29:1; 89:6; Dan.4:1 3.

This presentation is only but a bird’s eye view on angelology. There are many other aspects that are impossible to cover in a limited study such as this.


  • Rev Joseph P Ezeigbo

    Rev. Joseph Ezeigbo attended Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana where he graduated in 1984 with a BA in History and Biblical Studies (Double major). Rev. Ezeigbo began his graduate studies at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake and later transferred to Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, Maryland where he graduated with an M.Div. and Th.M. degrees in 1988 and 1989 respectively. He pursued post-graduate education at Liberty University and Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, Virginia. Rev. Ezeigbo previously served as secretary and chairman of ECWA USA and currently serving as the vice chairman and prayer coordinator. As a hobby, he is a researcher in Theology and Church history. He help to raise prayer awareness for the worldwide Persecuted church and prayer for the Muslim world.

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