by Pastor Kimberly Ray’s | Relentless faith is faith in the Lord that is unshakable, unstoppable, and unmovable.

I remember having the privilege to stand at the Ancient Wailing Wall to pray. Honestly, I sensed an indescribable awe as I witnessed people praying. I observed a fascinating tradition, people placing slips of paper with prayer requests into the crevices of the Wailing Wall. This was an astonishing indication of their passion expressed to God through prayer.

The Lord has given me a wonderful desire to share with the body of Christ the remarkable prayers of the Bible. This book is designed to share scriptural dialogue spoken from individuals recorded in the sacred pages of the Bible.

Relentless Faith
What is relentless faith? It is the kind of faith that resists the desire to concede to current circumstances, but rather this kind of faith chooses to believe the Word of God. The Word of God is the answer to life’s dilemmas. Relentless faith is faith in the Lord that is unshakable, unstoppable, and unmovable. This faith is never dependent upon our own abilities, or ourselves, it is a tenacious determination to emb

Dr. Angie Ray dedicated her life to ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ and providing assistance to the whole man, reaching humanity – one life at a time. She has served as an Evangelical Speaker and traveled internationally delivering life changing messages that inspire, encourage and empower the body of Christ with tools and strategies to live a consecrated and victorious life.

You can purchase the book from bookstore.



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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