He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. Song of Songs 2:4

Due to ignorance, some people think that God loved them in the past, but because they failed Him, He no longer loved them. Others are working so hard to improve their lives so that God will love them. These are all wrong assumptions. Here are the facts: God loved us before creation. He knew that we would sin, and He made provision for our redemption even before we existed. Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross is God’s banner hanging over us and announcing boldly that our past, present, and future sins do not stand against us anymore.
God is proudly displaying His love for us which we neither deserve nor can earn. Please, relax at the dinner table where God has given you a prominent seat and is flashing the banner over your head announcing that His love for you is forever and ever. The only thing you need to do is to respond by accepting the love of God for you.
Author: Rev. Sunday Bwanhot
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary with EMS/SIM. He pastor’s ECWA Chicago, serves as ECWA USA DCC Chairman and Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions.