Jesus, St. Peters in a storm
Jesus, St. Peters in a storm

Storms are never welcomed experiences, and no one in their right mind walks into a storm just for fun. Storms come as surprises when we are least prepared for them. They are usually overwhelming, beyond our control, defy our escape strategies, and show no respect for age, gender, race, or religion. The COVID experience was five years ago, and its impact is still fresh in us as if it happened only yesterday. Jesus Christ was in the boat with the disciples when a storm suddenly came on them. Jesus was enjoying a nap while the disciples were at wit’s end, trying to stay alive in the raging storm. Desperate, the disciples woke Jesus up, and He calmed the storm. While reflecting on the miracle they had just witnessed, Jesus asked them, where is your faith? (Luke 8:25). Jesus was saying that no storm can sink us with me in the boat. The storms of life are real, and it is so easy to focus on the storm rather than on the Lord of the storm. If Jesus is in the boat with you, focus on Him, and He will carry you through today’s storm.


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