‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). As stewards of God’s manifold blessings, we are to serve as conduits and not reservoirs. Every blessing God gives us is meant to be passed on to others. God is not in the business of accumulation and hoarding; He is on a mission of distribution and blessing and wants His children to do the same. We are to be like a river that freely spreads its water as it flows. It may start as a small stream, but as it blesses humans, animals, birds, insects, and vegetation, along the hundreds of miles it runs, it keeps receiving more water and grows bigger. When we fail to serve as conduits, we become reservoirs. The reservoir or lake may look big, but its impact is far less than the river’s. Lakes or reservoirs can easily grow weeds or stink because they are stagnant. Hoarding God’s blessings will deny many who should benefit from them. Hoarders deny themselves the blessings that are for those who give. May we be fresh and bubbling rivers, refreshing many thirsty people daily.