The ECWA USA Communicator Magazine is written by people like you and me. ECWA USA Communicator is published quarterly by the ECWA USA Communicator Editorial Board. It is financed by advertising revenues. Volunteer staff creates, publishes and distributes it.
What is the purpose of ECWA USA Communicator?
The ECWA USA Communicator Magazine features human-interest stories, news, action items, information, and advice on a wide range of matters concerning Christians in their day-to-day living. Each issue features a variety of articles showing our ways of helping people of all ages to be a better Christian by:
  • Growing in their faith
  • Growing in their devotions to Christ
  • Discovering the importance of Christian faith for everyday living.
Who reads ECWA USA Communicator?
  • People of all ages who seeks personal Christian growth in their life
What Are Some Tips From ECWA USA Communicator?
ECWA USA Communicator is designed to make people aware of what is going on in our Church Community and as a medium for people to come closer to God
  • It serves as a medium for people to come closer to God.
  • It captures experiences of real people or group of people who are working to apply their faith to everyday living.
  • It expresses an idea applicable to everyday Christian living.
  • It leads people into further conversation with God and about God after reading.
Pray that the manuscripts you submit will be a great source of ideas and inspiration unto other Christians and help them in their day-to-day life.
How Can I Find Out About Upcoming Topics?
  • Check the complete topics and writing deadlines for upcoming issues, as well as previous topics you can read to get your creativity sparkled.
  • For a printed copy of upcoming topics and expanded questionnaires, send email to, or mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) to the address below.
What Style Of Writing Is Appropriate For ECWA USA Communicator?
  • Simple enough for a youth to understand it, however it should be realistic and relevant to life experiences of every Christians, does not need to be overtly religious but should help to open people to the life of faith in a multicultural setting.
  • We employ you to please use language that is non-sexist and inclusive of everyone. We encourage the use of Bible quotes and a wide range of biblical images for God.
How Do I Prepare my ECWA USA Communicator Manuscript?
  • Compose your ECWA USA Communicator manuscripts as an email sent to the, an online submission, or a typed or handwritten page (doubled-spaced on 8 ½” x 11” paper).
  • If you mail your manuscript to us and want your original submission to be returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). We cannot acknowledge or return manuscripts submitted without an SASE, so please keep a copy of what you submit.
  • Please let us know the publication issue for your manuscript.
What other information do I need to include?
  • Date
  • Article Title
  • Author’s Name
  • Age/Birth Date (if you are younger than 21)
  • Mailing Address
  • Email Address and daytime phone Number
What is the ECWA USA Communicator Magazine Photography guidelines?
·The ECWA USA Communicator Magazine believes that each story is enhanced by photographs of its subjects. We will be happy to accept photos for articles as either digital files or hard-copy originals.  Please use the following guidelines to help you provide us images of the best quality.
·Digital images:
•Images can be sent via email (one or two at a time) or mailed to The ECWA USA Communicator Magazine on CD
•Format: Digital photos need to be uncompressed, high resolution JPEG files (.jpg) or TIFF (.tif) files.
•The minimum file size that will be accepted is 600 x 900 pixels (two inches by three inches, at a resolution of 300 dpi [dots per inch]). We prefer images of 2240 x 1680 pixels or higher.
  • Hard-copy original photographic prints:
    • The ECWA USA Communicator Production Department welcomes any original photos that you send to accompany your article, and be assured we will take the utmost care in handling them and ensuring their safe return.
    • For your convenience and peace of mind, we will facilitate the shipping and return of your photos.
    • If you need help with any part of this process, we will be happy to assist in whatever way we can.
Will my manuscripts be edited?
  • The ECWA USA Communicator reserves the right to edit your manuscripts for length, clarity, grammatical correctness, and biblical/theological integrity.
  • We are committed to preserving the integrity of the writer’s style, voice, language, and personal experience whenever possible.
To Whom Should I Submit My Manuscript?
Choose one of these options to send your manuscript to ECWA USA Communicator, Editorial Board.
We prefer that you submit your manuscript to The ECWA USA Communicator Magazine via this e-mail link. Please attach the manuscript to your e-mail as a Microsoft Word document. If necessary, you may paste the article directly into the body of your e-mail.
Mail: ECWA USA Communicator
2004 Oak Terrace Dr
Atlanta, GA 30316
Phone: 404-399-4502
You may submit your manuscript via the postal service but we still need an e-mail address for future correspondence. Please let us know if your contact information changes after your submission to the ECWA USA Communicator magazine



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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